Windows® uninstall

Uninstalling PlayOnline Viewer

Make sure to read the following before uninstalling.

  • Any saved messages, emails, and your address book will be deleted.
  • Anti-virus software and other such applications may interfere with the uninstallation process. Make sure to close all open applications before proceeding.
  • Uninstalling the application alone is not sufficient to cancel your service option (character). If necessary, please cancel your service option separately via the Square Enix Account Management System.

Select "PlayOnline Viewer" from the "Apps" or "Installed apps" section of the Settings menu.
Follow the on-screen instructions.

* Depending on what you have installed, the correct entry may be "PlayOnline Viewer & Tetra Master." Selecting this option will uninstall both the PlayOnline Viewer and Tetra Master.


Make sure to read the following before uninstalling.

  • Saved macro data will be deleted.
  • Anti-virus software and other such applications may interfere with the uninstallation process. Make sure to close all open applications before proceeding.
  • Uninstalling the application alone is not sufficient to cancel your service option (character). If necessary, please cancel your service option separately via the Square Enix Account Management System.

The uninstallation process may take some time depending on your hardware configuration. Do not turn off your PC while the uninstallation process is underway.
Files may remain in the folder in which your programs were installed even after the uninstallation process has completed. Please delete any remaining files manually, if necessary.