Aug. 31, 2015 00:48 [PDT] From: PlayOnline
Discontinuing “E-mail Address 2” (Sep. 28)

In order to improve security, the “Email Address 2” in the Square Enix Account Management System will be discontinued on Sep. 28, 2015.

This will take place on Sep. 28th 22:00 to 23:00 (PDT)

After discontinuation, the registered “E-mail Address 2” that were saved on the servers will all be deleted, and the following functions will stop working.
?Password resets using the “E-mail Address 2”
?E-mail address changes using the “E-mail Address 2”

Please make sure that the e-mail registered as “E-mail Address 1” is verified before the discontinuation of “E-mail Address 2”.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding.

*Sep. 25, 2015 5:15 (PDT)
Discontinuation date has been updated.